Most papers describing new methods for machine learning (ML) in drug discovery report some sort of benchmark comparing their algorithm and/or molecular representation with the current state of the art. In the past, I’ve written extensively about statistics and how methods should be compared . In this post, I’d like to focus instead on the datasets we use to benchmark and compare methods. Many papers I’ve read recently use the MoleculeNet dataset, released by the Pande group at Stanford in 2017, as the “standard” benchmark. This is a mistake. In this post, I’d like to use the MoleculeNet dataset to point out flaws in several widely used benchmarks. Beyond this, I’d like to propose some alternate strategies that could be used to improve benchmarking efforts and help the field to move forward. To begin, let’s examine the MoleculeNet benchmark, which to date, has been cited more than 1,800 times. The MoleculeNet collection consis...
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