Scaffold Hopping? It's Complicated
As seems to be the case these days, this post was motivated by a comment I saw in the blogosphere. In one of the myriad discussions on applications of AI in drug discovery, someone wrote: "I have yet to encounter a machine learning algorithm which predicts a true scaffold hop (say from Viagra to Cialis). From that standpoint, a tool like ROCS which looks at abstract but general features like shape and electrostatics is better than a lot of ML." The comment got me thinking about something that has bugged me for a long time. What exactly constitutes a scaffold hop? Should we consider Viagra to Cialis a scaffold hop? (hint, I don't think so, stick with me and I’ll explain) What is a scaffold hop? Let’s start by taking a step back and looking at some of the classic work of Hans-Joachim Böhm and Martin Stahl. In their 2004 paper , Böehm and Stahl highlighted three different three-dimensional approaches to scaffold hopping. ...